
«The sage of abai studies»

The Abai «Zhidebai - Borili» State Museum - Reserve hosted the event «The Sage of Abai Studies», dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Beken Isabayuly - an Abai scholar, teacher, and museum veteran. The literary evening was opened by the director of the Abai Museum - Reserve, U. Sagadiev, followed by a speech from the head of the «Alash Arystary -...

Employees of the Asset Naimanbayev Literary Museum welcomed regional official guests from the Department of Religious Affairs

Employees of the Asset Naimanbayev Literary Museum welcomed regional official guests from the Department of Religious Affairs. An excursion through the museum halls was conducted for the official guests, providing information about the poet’s life and creative path, as well as the valuable legacy he left behind. Having shown interest in the poet’s heritage, the museum guests left their signatures...

«The Poetic World of Аset»

The staff of the Аset Naimanbaiuly Museum delivered a special lecture titled «The Poetic World of Аset» for the students of Karabuta Secondary School. During the lecture, students learned about the life journey of the distinguished poet, his multifaceted creative works, and the environment in which he lived, as well as his unique contribution to Kazakh culture. Additionally, the lecture highlighted the...

«Asset’s Heritage – National Treasure»

A traveling exhibition called «Asset’s Heritage - National Treasure» was organized for the residents of Keldymurat village and the students of Baitursynov Secondary School. During the exhibition, museum staff honored the name of the poet and presented his legacy to the attention of the younger generation. Interesting stories were told about the talents possessed by the poet Asset, his aitys and...

“I Am a Spark Ignited by Abai”

On March 1, the literary and educational event "I Am a Spark Ignited by Abai" was held at the house museum of Kamen Orazalin, dedicated to the birthday of the folk akyn Shakir Abenuly. The event's honored guest was the akyn's descendant, esteemed educator Sana Shakirkizy. Other participants included Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Honorary Citizen of...

«The Path of Abai – the Path of Humanity»

A department of the Abai Museum – the Mukhtar Auezov House-Museum in Boryli – organized an educational lecture on the topic «The Path of Abai – the Path of Humanity» at Secondary School No. 31 in the city of Semey. During the lecture, the head of the Mukhtar Auezov House-Museum in Boryli, Shagzhan Isabayev, provided new historical insights about places related...

А professional development lecture was held museum staff

The management of the "Zhidebai-Borili" State Historical, Cultural, and Literary-Memorial Museum-Reserve places great emphasis on enhancing the qualifications of museum staff. To perform their duties effectively and ensure professional development, museum researchers must continuously improve their knowledge in line with modern requirements and provide methodological support to young professionals joining the museum. Since "Academic Writing" is a relevant topic in the...

Exhibition dedicated to poet shakir abenuly opens

At the Abai State Historical, Cultural and Literary Reserve-Museum «Zhidebai - Borili», an exhibition dedicated to the poet and composer Shakir Abenuly has opened. At the opening ceremony, M. Kairambayeva, Deputy Director of the Abai Museum for Scientific Affairs, delivered a welcoming speech. Professor A. Kadyrov, PhD in Philology from Shakarim University, spoke about the life and work of the poet. M....

The anniversary events dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev have begun

A solemn event was held at the State Museum-Reserve "Zhidabai-Borili" to commemorate the 180th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev. This year, in addition to the anniversary of the great thinker and poet, the Abai Museum, which is the main center for studying and popularizing his heritage, is also celebrating its 85th anniversary. In honor of these significant dates, a festive event was...

Results of the competition “Shakarim danalygy”

On January 28, 2025, the Department of Education of Semey and the State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" held a remote competition "Shakarim danalygy" dedicated to the life and work of Sh. Kudaiberdiyev. According to the results of the competition The first place was taken by a student of secondary school No A.Berikhankyzy. The second place was taken by a student of secondary school...