165 years of Muka Adilkhanuly
Muka Adilkhanuly
Muka Adilkhanuly is one of the talented students of Abai. He is a virtuoso dombra player, violinist, singer. Father Muka-Adilkhan Zharkynuly is a dombra player, a man who respected and was friends with Abai. Muka fell in love with the widowed daughter-in-law of one of his brothers, took her away without touching her legal guardian, and took refuge in the village of Abai. Abai intervened, freed them, and later became friends with Muka. Kokbai, Shakarim, Akylbai, Magauiya, Kakitai, Turagul, Almaganbet, Mukhamedzhan, Utegeldy and several other young people who came to the city studied musical art with Muka, learn the language of music, playing the dombra, harmonica, violin.
Muka was also a poet. He was influenced by Abai, Akylbai and Magauiya. The waltz of the Austrian composer I. Strauss “The Blue Danube” was played on the violin and the song “Waves of the Danube” was written for him. This poem, created under the influence of the composer’s art of Abai, his prehistory, expressively reflects the picturesque appearance of nature. In the poem “Köken”, in which he described his native land – Mount Koken, this quality is felt.
“…Kökenge könіlіn tolyp, Abai aga,
Berersіn өz kozіnmen berіp baga.
En ustin dombyramny angge kuylep,
Kol soktym “Danube tolkyn”.
This poem traces the spirit of Abai’s poetry, which created realistic examples of landscape lyrics, and patriotism, calling to love the native land.
The moral work of Abai, like that of Muka, was continued on the life path of his students. The musician Muka was a dombra maker. It is a pity that Muka’s musical heritage is not recorded and his dombra has not come down to us. Muka, playing the violin, brought Russian kyui to the Kazakh steppe.
According to K. Mukhamedkhanov, Muka and M. Auezov met in 1926. M. Auezov depicts a man of art On the “The Path of Abai” as one of the brightest personalities under Abai.
- Adilkhanuly died in 1927 at the age of 70. The burial ground is located on Mount Koken, in the Kandar gorge.