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Night at the museum: “Zhelsiz tunde zharyk ai”

NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: "ZHELSIZ TUNDE ZHARYK AI" On May 20, 2022, the State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" hosted the opening ceremony of the Night at the museum: "Zhelsiz tunde zharyk ai", dedicated to the International Museum Day. At the solemn event, the orchestra of the regional command "Vostok" and students of the M.Tulebayev Music School, artists of cultural and art institutions...

ABAI’S legacy in Uralsk

ABAI'S LEGACY IN URALSK May 18 - The exhibition "Semey dese, Abai dep karaidy adam..." of the State historical-cultural and literary-memorial museum-reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" dedicated to the International Museum Day opened in the West Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local Lore in Uralsk. The exposition includes valuable manuscripts about the life and work of A.Kunanbayuly, stored in the fund of the...

Competition “ABAYDY OKY, TANYRKA…”

COMPETITION "ABAYDY OKY, TANYRKA..." On April 29, 2022, the State-Historical, Cultural-Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" and the Department of Education of the city of Semey held the XII regional competition "Abaidy oky, tanyrka ..." on the knowledge of Abai's creativity. The purpose of the competition: to widely promote the heritage of Abai among students, to increase the intellectual level of...

A Competition was held at the Abai museum among preschoolers

A COMPETITION WAS HELD AT THE ABAI MUSEUM AMONG PRESCHOOLERS On April 28, the sixth contest among preschoolers "Asempaz bolma arnege..." was traditionally held, organized by the State-Historical, Cultural-Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" and the Department of Education of the city of Semey. According to the results of the competition: 1st place -  mini-center "Tulpar" - Adilbek Amina Baurzhanovna, 2nd place...

Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Abai Museum

Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Abai Museum Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev during a working trip to Semey got acquainted with the main museum exposition of the State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili", where he held a personal reception of citizens. During the reception of citizens, the issues of...

Minister of culture and sports of the republic of Kazakhstan in Abai s homeland

MINISTER OF CULTURE AND SPORTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN IN ABAI'S HOMELAND  To mark the 125th anniversary of Mukhtar Auezov, the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dauren Abayev visited the departments of the State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" within the framework of a working visit to East Kazakhstan. The Minister visited the memorial complexe Abai-Shakarim, Syrt-Kaskabulak,...

The anniversary of the writer began with the birthplace of Abai

The anniversary of the writer began with the birthplace of Abai Today, the Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the Kazakh classic writer, scientist Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov was held at the University of Alikhan Bokeikhan in Semey. The conference was held jointly with the State Historical-Cultural and Literary-Memorial Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" and the University of Alikhan...

The novel “MUN” was presented at the Abai museum

THE NOVEL "MUN" WAS PRESENTED AT THE ABAI MUSEUM The State Museum-Reserve of Abai "Zhidebai-Borili" hosted a round table dedicated to the 75th anniversary of academician, thinker, writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Garifolla Yesim and the presentation of the novel "Mun". During the solemn event, the exhibition "Gibratty gumyr" was presented to the guests. The event...

Military attaches at the Abai museum

MILITARY ATTACHES AT THE ABAI MUSEUM According to the plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, military attaches accredited in the RK arrived at the Abai Museum. Among them were representatives from Europe, USA, Canada, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Japan, Pakistan, Korea, Mongolia.  The purpose is to visit the city of Semey, get acquainted with the sights, military-industrial complexes...

Exhibition “Auezov Alemi”

Exhibition "Auezov Alemi" Senior researcher of the M. Auezov House-Museum G. Tanirbergen organized a exhibition "Auezov alemi" dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the writer M. Auezov at the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute of Nur-Sultan and the M. Dulatov Gymnasium No. 68. Teachers, students and schoolchildren took part in the exhibition, which was held to familiarize themselves with the works and pedigree of...