
Exhibition “Alashka Danky Shykkan Er Kunanbai”

On May 18, the State Museum-Reserve of Abai “Zhidebai-Borili” of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted the presentation of the exhibition “Alashka Danky Shykkan Er Kunanbai”, dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the outstanding historical figure, senior sultan, bi, public figure Kunanbai Uskenbaiuly, which left a significant mark on the the history of Kazakhstan.

At the opening of the exhibition, the traditional singer of the “Kalamkas” song and dance ensemble of the Abai district, an excellent student of culture K. Baidoshov performed K.Nazarbekov’s song “Kunanbai” to the words of the poet T. Zhangaliev.

The exhibition was attended by representatives of the intelligentsia and employees of cultural institutions of the city of Semey, students and teachers of educational institutions, as well as familiarized with archival data.

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