
Literary quiz “Knowing Abai is a duty”

On August 10, in honour of the “Day of Abai” in the State Museum-Reserve “Zhidebai-Borili”, organised by the museum staff and the Department of Culture and Language Development of Semey, a literary quiz “Knowing Abai is a duty” was held, dedicated to the promotion of the poet’s poems among specialists in various fields.

Three teams of employees of the Emergency Situations Department of the Abai Region, the Institution of the 19th Criminal Executive System Department of the Abai Region and the Halyk Bank of the city of Semey took part in the quiz.

The contestants answered questions about the life and creation of Abai and tested their knowledge in front of the jury.

According to the results of the competition, the institution of the 19th Department of Criminal Executive System in Abai region took the first place, employees of Halyk Bank of Semey city took the second place, Department of Emergency Situations of Abai region took the third place. The members of the team were presented with valuable gifts donated by the Department of Culture and Language Development of Semey City.

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